Out of the Darkness with Ruth Hovsepian

Why Bible Studies? with Elizabeth Rodriguez

June 24, 2024 Ruth Hovsepian/Elizabeth Rodriguez Season 2 Episode 77
Why Bible Studies? with Elizabeth Rodriguez
Out of the Darkness with Ruth Hovsepian
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Out of the Darkness with Ruth Hovsepian
Why Bible Studies? with Elizabeth Rodriguez
Jun 24, 2024 Season 2 Episode 77
Ruth Hovsepian/Elizabeth Rodriguez

In this episode, Ruth Hovsepian and Elizabeth Rodriguez discuss the transformative power of faith, hope, and personal growth through Bible study. Elizabeth shares practical tips on how to start or enhance Bible study routines, including repetitive reading, studying in context, and using multiple translations. They emphasize the importance of having good tools, such as Bible dictionaries and study guides, to understand the historical and literary context of the scriptures. They also discuss the significance of discipleship and the role of Bible study in deepening our relationship with God. The conversation highlights the need for personal engagement with the word of God and the importance of sharing our faith with others.


  • Repetitive reading is a powerful tool in Bible study that is often overlooked.
  • Studying the Bible in context, by reading it from beginning to end, is essential for a deeper understanding.
  • Using multiple translations can provide different insights and enhance understanding of the text.
  • Having good tools, such as Bible dictionaries and study guides, can help in understanding the historical and literary context of the scriptures.
  • Discipleship and engaging in Bible study with others can greatly enhance our understanding and love for the word of God.
  • Personal engagement with the word of God is crucial for personal growth and deepening our relationship with God.
  • Sharing our faith and the transformative power of the word of God with others is an important aspect of our Christian journey.

Instagram | @emorenorodriguez
Facebook  | Engage the Word With Elizabeth Rodriguez
LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-rodr%C3%ADguez-06131938/
Podcast | https://open.spotify.com/show/6ZeuX0HuFSGxi2s0FaFatn?si=21359edbca8b402b

✔Website - https://www.ruthhovsepian.com/
✔Podcast - https://outofthedarknesswithruthhovsepian.buzzsprout.com/
✔Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ruthhovsepian/
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✔Speaking - https://www.ruthhovsepian.com/speaking
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hot music - winning-elevation

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, Ruth Hovsepian and Elizabeth Rodriguez discuss the transformative power of faith, hope, and personal growth through Bible study. Elizabeth shares practical tips on how to start or enhance Bible study routines, including repetitive reading, studying in context, and using multiple translations. They emphasize the importance of having good tools, such as Bible dictionaries and study guides, to understand the historical and literary context of the scriptures. They also discuss the significance of discipleship and the role of Bible study in deepening our relationship with God. The conversation highlights the need for personal engagement with the word of God and the importance of sharing our faith with others.


  • Repetitive reading is a powerful tool in Bible study that is often overlooked.
  • Studying the Bible in context, by reading it from beginning to end, is essential for a deeper understanding.
  • Using multiple translations can provide different insights and enhance understanding of the text.
  • Having good tools, such as Bible dictionaries and study guides, can help in understanding the historical and literary context of the scriptures.
  • Discipleship and engaging in Bible study with others can greatly enhance our understanding and love for the word of God.
  • Personal engagement with the word of God is crucial for personal growth and deepening our relationship with God.
  • Sharing our faith and the transformative power of the word of God with others is an important aspect of our Christian journey.

Instagram | @emorenorodriguez
Facebook  | Engage the Word With Elizabeth Rodriguez
LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-rodr%C3%ADguez-06131938/
Podcast | https://open.spotify.com/show/6ZeuX0HuFSGxi2s0FaFatn?si=21359edbca8b402b

✔Website - https://www.ruthhovsepian.com/
✔Podcast - https://outofthedarknesswithruthhovsepian.buzzsprout.com/
✔Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ruthhovsepian/
✔Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ModernDayRuthRedeemed/
✔LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthhovsepian/
✔Speaking - https://www.ruthhovsepian.com/speaking
✔Books - https://www.ruthhovsepian.com/booksruthhovsepian


hot music - winning-elevation

Ruth Hovsepian (00:02.054)
Welcome to another episode of Out of the Darkness. I'm your host Ruth Hovsepian And today's episode is all about exploring the transformative power of faith, hope, and personal growth. And today we're diving into a topic that's close to my heart, Bible studies. And joining us today is a very special guest who is a passionate follower of Christ and also an expert in engaging with the word of God.

From reading and praying to meditating and studying the Bible, she has dedicated her life to helping others connect deeply with scripture. Elizabeth Rodriguez is with us today to share her insights and practical tips on how to make Bible study a powerful and transformative part of our daily lives. Elizabeth is a dedicated Bible teacher and podcast host committed to equipping

and encouraging others in their pursuit of Christ by engaging with His word. And you can check out her podcast, Engage the Word with Elizabeth Rodriguez. Elizabeth, welcome to Out of the Darkness.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (00:59.345)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (01:10.929)
Thank you so much, Ruth. I'm excited to be here.

Ruth Hovsepian (01:13.766)
Well, Elizabeth Bible study can sometimes feel overwhelming. We don't know where to start, what to do, especially for those that are new to it. And even those who are seasoned, you know, if you want to call it that, and, and have been doing it for years, but you know, the seasoned ones, you know, w we, we want to deepen, our engagement. We want to get deeper into it. Can you share with us starting off?

Elizabeth Rodriguez (01:27.377)
yes! Absolutely!

Ruth Hovsepian (01:41.67)
some practical tips on how to start or actually enhance our Bible study routines.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (01:48.305)
Yeah, absolutely. The first thing that comes to my mind is just learning to read repeatedly. A lot of times that's one thing that I think one of the greatest tools that we do not use is repetitive reading. So you want to decide on the book that you would like to study. Pick something I personally suggest, starting with a book that you could sit down and read from beginning to end in one sitting. So something short.

like the Book of Ruth or Jonah or in the New Testament maybe one of the epistles. I recommend that personally because number one when you have something short you can kind of have this feeling of success but I also feel like one of the most important things is to look at the scripture in context and so to actually sit down and read what you're studying from beginning to end so that as you break it into little chunks.

you can actually study it in context. So that's why I recommend something short to start. Let's see, so repetitive reading and then also looking at the text in more than one translation. I think this is something that some people may not even know that you should do and sometimes reading it in a different translation. For example, I often use the ESV to study.

But I love to look at the NIV or the New American Standard Version. I mean, whatever your favorite version is, pick at least one other translation to look at the text and read it. Because even one word that's different can change and help your understanding of the text. I also think that it's important to have good tools when you're studying the scripture. So I recommend a good Bible dictionary or study Bible.

When I was first learning to study the Bible, I used a study guide in community Bible study, and they provided commentary and things like that. So if you're not using a study guide, then you do need some tools to help you understand in particular the historical context of the book that you're reading, the literary context, what genre are we reading, because the Bible is literature, and so we don't read every book of the Bible in the same way.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (04:12.433)
So I think just to start, those are a few tips that I don't know if most people even know or do when they're beginning to study the Bible that can really change your understanding of the word.

Ruth Hovsepian (04:26.502)
You know, I love these tips and I also, you know, I come from an evangelical background, Bible, grew up in church. And, you know, we were always encouraged to read the word of God and do a devotion. But I don't think I was ever encouraged by Sunday school teachers, youth leaders to do Bible studies. It was read your Bible, read your Bible.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (04:52.465)
Mm -hmm.

Ruth Hovsepian (04:55.078)
Here's a devotional, do this, do that. So as an adult, when I came back to the Lord, I was far gone. I was kind of just left there, not sure what to do. And I was really hungry because here I left this world that filled up my time and my space, right? And I was hungry because I knew now, I was a new child, a new beginning.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (05:17.553)
Mm -hmm.

Ruth Hovsepian (05:24.678)
And I wanted to really just inhale the Bible and reading it was not enough for me. Devotions definitely were not enough for me at the time. They were good, but not enough for me. So I started doing Bible studies. The first few, I was, it was really, it was, it was hard. Honestly, it was hard. So I, you know, like, I think as you do it, you come up with.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (05:28.721)

Ruth Hovsepian (05:53.862)
your style and you know, actually we do use the same thing. I also started with short books of the Bible because I was able to do it in a shorter period of time, right, reading it. And then, you know, as I started to talk to other people and the more I got into it, I understand the value of context.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (06:19.185)
my goodness

Ruth Hovsepian (06:20.486)
context, especially in this day and age when we are pulling out scripture out of context and using it for ourselves for You know, whatever but I agree with you that you know, like the the Repetitiveness of that reading it through and through the short book the context of it where it was in history What happened before? Why was he you know why?

Elizabeth Rodriguez (06:27.249)
Mm -hmm. yes.


Elizabeth Rodriguez (06:43.697)
Right. Yes.

Ruth Hovsepian (06:49.798)
Is the writer saying this? Why is God telling it makes no sense in the 21st century, but context is huge translations. my goodness. I have a bookshelf now of so many translations because side note, I've been reading a challenge for myself. I've been reading through the Bible every month. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, that means all other reading. Every other reading has been put aside, right? Because that's about 40.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (06:53.649)
Mm -hmm.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (07:03.537)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (07:10.161)
Real? Like, from beginning to end in one month? Whoa!


Ruth Hovsepian (07:19.75)
I've come to understand it's about 35 to 40 chapters, give or take. I mean, you know, when you're reading Psalm 119, that makes up for it. But I do, you know, honestly, I'm transparent about it. Some days it's very hard. I only read a few and then I have to make up for it, right? Because my challenge, it was a challenge to myself because it was sort of, I came to the realization I'm able to read a lot of different things. I'm listening podcasts. I'm,

Elizabeth Rodriguez (07:22.865)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (07:28.657)
That's amazing!

Elizabeth Rodriguez (07:34.545)
Mm -hmm.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (07:47.377)
for sure.

Ruth Hovsepian (07:49.35)
Watching, you know videos to learn I said I need to read the word of God Through so I did it once and then I said I want to read it in this translation And then I wanted to read it in this child. So now I've been collecting Bibles my dad I for whatever reason had you know, people give him Bibles had a slew of Bibles So I've got them so I've got all these different versions anyway

Elizabeth Rodriguez (08:14.193)
I love this. Actually, I did the Bible in 90 days years ago. I read it cover to cover and a lot of people say I don't get that. Like how can you get anything? But it's you can! You can!

Ruth Hovsepian (08:18.232)

Ruth Hovsepian (08:24.454)

Yeah, Elizabeth, you know, it wasn't getting something out of it. Okay. So I, I've, you know, with Bible study, okay. So we're talking about Bible study. I 100 % want everyone to do a Bible study for themselves. Okay. That's one. I want them to do devotionals. That's a whole other time. And then I want them to read the word of God. That's a different thing. And when I am reading the Bible, okay, you don't have to do it in 30 days.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (08:41.489)
Mm -hmm.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (08:49.521)
Yeah. Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Ruth Hovsepian (08:55.686)
You know, that's, that's my challenge to myself. Yeah. But, but that, that was for myself a challenge because I'm a voracious reader. I love to read. And I said to myself, Ruth, you read all kinds of books. I can read a book in 24 hours, 48 hours, depending on what it is. Why can't I give that amount of time to the word of God? It was purely my own challenge. And I'm not going, you know, it's not going to make me.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (08:57.521)
That's a lofty goal.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (09:03.281)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (09:17.969)
Mm -hmm.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (09:21.841)

Ruth Hovsepian (09:24.326)
a better Christian or not. It is for me. And every time I've read, so I've read it now, this is my sixth round where June, I tell you every time I read it, I'm like, but was that there the last time I read it? And it is, yeah. And it could be because of the translations I'm reading. So going back to what you said, translations are huge, huge.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (09:26.641)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (09:41.073)
Mm -hmm. there's always something new.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (09:47.345)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (09:51.441)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Ruth Hovsepian (09:52.486)
Because I read one translation and I see one thing, I read another one, it's there. So I think that everything that you said, and finally the tools, I agree with you, we're 21st century. There's no excuse for anyone not to be able to do personal Bible studies because we have the tools.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (09:59.537)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (10:09.105)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (10:15.537)
I think people just don't know. Like, I personally, for me, I didn't know. And I went years not knowing. I trusted in Christ when I was a freshman in college, but I did not begin engaging the word regularly, like as a regular rhythm of my life until like 14 years later. No one discipled me. No one came and said, Elizabeth, here's how you pray. Elizabeth, you need to be reading your Bible.

Ruth Hovsepian (10:17.766)

Ruth Hovsepian (10:31.59)

Ruth Hovsepian (10:40.006)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (10:42.865)
It's like you check the box off of salvation and then that's it in so many ways and so I would have done more had I known more and then as I began to learn when I started my first Bible study in community with other women it was like an explosion happened inside of me and I mean not just the excitement of being able to learn and understand what the Bible says but my love for the Lord just exploded.

Ruth Hovsepian (10:46.406)

Ruth Hovsepian (10:59.846)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (11:12.529)
And I don't know. And so that's really like the core of it. When I talked about Bible study, reminding women just that we, the purpose of it is to grow in our love for the Lord Jesus first and foremost, pursuing Him, having fellowship with Him over His word. That's why we do it. The tools we use and all that other stuff is, you know, secondary, but so necessary for us to grow in our relationship with Him. So.

Ruth Hovsepian (11:12.71)

Ruth Hovsepian (11:26.63)
Amen. Yep.

Ruth Hovsepian (11:39.878)
Yes. And I love what you said about discipleship. If we don't have discipleship in our churches or in one on one, older women, younger women, I mean, it varies because sometimes it's the older woman that's the new believer. But you know that in that context, if we don't have discipleship, how do we expect new believers to grow? And you.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (11:49.297)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (11:56.336)
Mm -hmm.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (12:03.089)

Ruth Hovsepian (12:05.958)
I grew up at a time when there was Bible studies in the church. We had Sunday schools, we had Bible studies. More and more I'm seeing that that collective Bible study had gone away and I'm starting to kind of see it come back again. There's small groups and all of that, but it's important. I mean, how do we grow?

Elizabeth Rodriguez (12:10.001)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (12:25.553)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (12:32.081)


Ruth Hovsepian (12:35.046)
Personally, right, personally, not always fed. I think there's a difference, right? Personal growth, the time that we invest is very important.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (12:45.713)
Yeah, for sure. Well, I always tell the ladies every semester in my Bible study class that if you've never studied the Bible with other women before, just be prepared to be blessed because we sharpen each other, you know, like iron sharpening iron. We encourage each other. We learn from each other. The format of the Bible study that class that I'm teaching now is actually 100 % discussion when we come together.

Ruth Hovsepian (13:15.43)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (13:15.825)
We used to do lecture format where I would teach they would sit there and then they would break off into their groups and and Discuss and that was awesome but when we changed the format and the ladies I started teaching them the inductive method so they were given tools so that they could investigate and study on their own then we come back together in a classroom and Everyone has the opportunity to share what they're learning. We learn from each other

And by the end of it, I mean, it's just absolutely beautiful. They see things that even, you know, the teachers don't see, which is awesome because we're all still learning together, right?

Ruth Hovsepian (13:52.966)
Yeah, you're the you are shepherding them through it. You are you're giving them directions. You're giving them tools and we're all going to you know, you read a passage you read a book and you walk away with a different and and that is the that is why it's so important to continually read the word of god not read it once and i've i've had people say i've read it through once not enough. Yeah and and and

Elizabeth Rodriguez (13:56.721)
Mm -hmm.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (14:00.433)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (14:16.753)
I'm done?

Ruth Hovsepian (14:19.718)
It's not, it's not enough. I mean, the best example, have been my parents and my grandparents every day. My grandparents read together collectively, besides their own collectively, the two of them every day, twice a day, morning and night, especially after they retired. But, but even before they would get together, that was part of it. And my parents every morning get together, they have.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (14:36.785)
Wow. Okay.

Ruth Hovsepian (14:49.19)
They read through the Bible and they pray. And it's not enough once because we, we as we mature, hopefully, and as we grow in the word of God, reading it again will open your eyes to something else.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (14:58.961)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (15:06.669)

Ruth Hovsepian (15:08.326)
I mean, why do we? Yeah. I'm sorry.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (15:13.073)
I just honestly, I can't imagine it. I'm right there with you. I could not imagine it.

Ruth Hovsepian (15:16.43)
Yeah, I can. I did it, you know, like for 50, I don't know, like 54 years, 55 years. I was like that. You know, I had maybe read, I had, I don't, I maybe read through it as a child out of guilt because I didn't, I was going to hell if I died in the middle of the night. That was my fear. I don't know about you, but I had that, this fear of, of go, if I didn't pray before I went to sleep,

Elizabeth Rodriguez (15:21.521)
Yeah. Yeah, that's true. You're right. I did.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (15:32.529)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (15:44.305)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Ruth Hovsepian (15:44.518)
And if I didn't read my Bible or, you know, like a, do a devotion, I would go to hell. that's a whole other, that's a whole other episode. But, but, but, but having said that, I think I've, I've read the Bible when I was younger because of that guilt, not because I was in love with it and not because I wanted, I wanted to know more and not because I wanted my relationship with the Lord to grow. So I think.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (15:50.097)
Wow. Yeah, I...

Elizabeth Rodriguez (16:00.817)


Elizabeth Rodriguez (16:12.561)

Ruth Hovsepian (16:14.182)
That's why I do my podcast. That's why I'm out there speaking. That's what I want for others to take away when they leave. The passion to build a closer relationship with the Lord.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (16:27.089)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (16:32.129)
yeah, to me, knowing the Lord Jesus is the most beautiful privilege that we have in life, honestly. And the fact that we get to look forward to the future that day that we're gonna be in his presence forever. But because of what Christ has done, we actually can enjoy fellowship with him right now. And we are so blessed to live in a time where we have the word of God.

Ruth Hovsepian (16:45.382)
Amen. Yeah.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (17:00.401)
Like literally, anytime we want, most of the people during the time of the Bible, they had to listen to someone else read it. They had to have someone else help them to understand. And we still need that. We need good pastors and good teachers. And that's why it's important to be part of a local church. But the fact that we can, on our own or with a group, come together around the Word of God, that we can understand it by the power of the Holy Spirit, that we can know God.

Ruth Hovsepian (17:05.094)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (17:29.905)
That is unbelievable. What a treasure.

Ruth Hovsepian (17:32.806)
You know, another thought as you were saying that is not everyone is equal around the world. You know, we hear of missionaries going incognito into different countries, whether it's, you know, to Tibet or China or wherever else, not Tibet, but China, I believe, you know, under other pretext, but even Tibet, you know, they...

Elizabeth Rodriguez (17:39.409)
Mm -mm.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (17:46.353)
Yeah. You're right.

Ruth Hovsepian (18:00.39)
and the word of God is spread in a different way. We've heard of martyrs who in prison have written scripture. I mean, how amazing to do that. I'm ashamed of that. Yeah, I'm ashamed of that. Yeah, yeah, I feel that I want the words in my heart, in my brain, and that's a different situation they're trying for me to memorize.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (18:04.017)
Mm -hmm.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (18:13.873)
We take it for granted. We take it for granted. Mm -hmm.

Ruth Hovsepian (18:29.382)
is very difficult and I think part of it is because I know I have the word of God handy. You know, we were just talking about all the other translations I have on my bookshelf and I'm I don't need to memorize but but even that that I've been convicted of it recently that I need to really start to memorize. I'm going to do it. You know, my you know, my my brain is starting, you know, to get old. But I can really and truly understand it because I don't know about you, but.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (18:37.713)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (18:51.057)
Yep. Yeah.

Ruth Hovsepian (18:57.19)
You came to Christ in your 20s, right? Well, right. OK, so you were you were higher up. I grew up in the church at a young age. Do you know that the verses that I was forced to to memorize in Sunday school are the ones that pop up in my head? And any verse that I've learned after a certain age, I need to pick at it. I need to bring it.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (19:00.913)
a freshman in high school so yeah 18 19 yeah.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (19:12.177)
Mm -hmm.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (19:16.433)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (19:21.713)
Right. yeah.

Ruth Hovsepian (19:24.262)
Fresh young minds, you know, teach your children verses. They learn nursery rhymes. They learn the songs to the words to all the pop songs. Teach your kids instead the word of God.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (19:36.593)
Well, and think about Bible study in general versus reading. If you are doing it yourself, like, okay, study guides are great. I have no problem with that. But if you are actually studying inductively, investigating the text yourself, you are going to hold onto that. Like, you're going to remember because you're doing the work, right? People sometimes don't want to do the work. They would rather come and sit and listen to, like, someone teach them. But when you sit down,

Ruth Hovsepian (20:00.39)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (20:05.329)
and you put that time in. I love what you said about even just the fact that you're spending more time intentionally reading the word at least as much time as you are spending reading other things. And I always tell the ladies in my class, because it's easy to get lost in commentaries or reading books about books of the Bible. You should spend at least as much time reading the Bible as you are reading someone else's words about the Bible, right? Like, yeah.

Ruth Hovsepian (20:22.79)

Ruth Hovsepian (20:32.038)
Totally agree, totally agree with you. You know, I, you know, I'm all for Bible studies and commentaries. I actually have a Bible study on prayer, but I always say at the end of the day, don't take my word for it. Don't take my word for it. And you know, actually as a writer now, I'm working on another Bible study and it's about Ruth actually.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (20:41.937)
that's so cool!

Elizabeth Rodriguez (20:46.737)
Yeah. Right! Right!

Elizabeth Rodriguez (20:57.265)
What is it about?

Really? my goodness. I bet it's gonna be awesome.

Ruth Hovsepian (21:02.566)
Listen, I did one during, just before COVID or during COVID online on Zoom. And I didn't expect anyone to turn out except maybe my family out of pity, out of pity. But we have quite a number there. I was totally surprised because people are hungry for it, right? So I left it there, but now I'm reworking on it. But all of that to say,

Elizabeth Rodriguez (21:14.705)
Right? Yeah.

that's amazing. They are!

Ruth Hovsepian (21:31.302)
Even though I've joined the world of writing and I love it and I'm passionate about it, I always, always say, when you leave here, because if I'm speaking about a subject, when you leave here, don't take my word for it. Go, dig into the word of God, make sure that what I have said is right. And if I have misrepresented the word of God,

Elizabeth Rodriguez (21:49.137)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (21:56.017)
That's right.

Ruth Hovsepian (22:00.07)
you need to tell me. It's an accountability. And the other thing is if you don't study the word of God, how do you know if the person leading the Bible study, the pastor with the sermon, you know, they're not perfect. They, you know, some have agendas, some... Look, we need to be honest about things, right? Bible study leaders, group leaders.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (22:01.585)
That's right.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (22:17.361)

Ruth Hovsepian (22:29.734)
pastors, they are not all filled with the Holy Spirit or they're just, just walking through the steps. So we are responsible ourselves. And I'm not saying look, you know, like sit in your, the sermon on a Sunday morning, looking for points to pick at what I'm saying is if you know, the word of God, if the pastor says something, you're, you're the flag will go up.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (22:34.801)
It's true.

Mm -hmm.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (22:50.417)
Mm -hmm.

Ruth Hovsepian (22:57.99)
And you'll say, I'm gonna look into that. I've done that. Sometimes I've had other understanding of a portion of scripture and when my pastor says something, I'm like, hmm, doesn't say that. And I'm human, I question him, not myself. So I do come home and I do read it, I do spend time, especially if it's something that I'm like, hmm. And listen, you know the truth afterwards and sometimes I'm wrong.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (23:08.337)
Is that really what it says? Yeah!

Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (23:25.937)
That's right. no, it's so important. I think too many of us just take people at their word. I feel exactly the same. Don't take my word for it. Take God's word for it. Go to the source. Use scripture. It's the plumb line for everything, you know? It's the plumb line, the source of truth. So we have to measure it like the Bereans, like press everything up against the scriptures and make sure that...

Ruth Hovsepian (23:27.974)
I'm, yeah.

Ruth Hovsepian (23:33.734)

Ruth Hovsepian (23:43.942)
Yes, yes.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (23:54.641)
because we can easily be swept away, especially if we don't know what's true.

Ruth Hovsepian (23:58.854)
Yeah, yeah. The other advantage of knowing the word of God is when we are out and sharing the word of God. I have come to understand that I am the commission does not say go out and convince everybody to to believe it says go out and share the you know, tell them your story. So I'm really big into sharing my story that because that's I believe people.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (24:05.713)
Yeah. Mm -hmm.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (24:22.225)
Mm -hmm.

Ruth Hovsepian (24:26.214)
will see the transformative power of Christ and want that in their lives. So having said that, if you meet up with someone who has questions for you, yes, the Holy Spirit will guide you, but you also need to have the word of God imprinted on your heart.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (24:30.449)
Yeah, absolutely.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (24:47.249)
Yeah, you can't draw from an empty well. You need to have something there. Yeah. Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Ruth Hovsepian (24:51.078)
I mean, the Holy Spirit can be smashing you over the head and you're like, I don't know what to say. But if you have the words of God imprinted in your, in your heart, on your, in your brain, it becomes easier and, and you're not stumped. You, and I'm honest now at one time I was very philosophical. I really was trying to convert everybody. And if they didn't, you know, like,

Elizabeth Rodriguez (25:17.713)
Ruth Hovsepian (25:19.206)
But now I've come to understand I shared my testimony in whatever way for that occasion and I let the Holy Spirit work. I am not pushing anything on anyone. The word of God is there and I'll say, read it for yourself. You need. No, no, that's it. You know, read it for yourself and I'll answer your questions. It's it's not it's not difficult. We've over complicated.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (25:35.761)
Right. Well, and... sorry. Go ahead.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (25:47.377)
No, and the word of God will not return void. The scripture tells us. So we have to allow, I think sometimes we get in our own way and we get in the Lord's way, we become a stumbling block and God forbid that that would happen.

Ruth Hovsepian (25:51.334)
Amen. Amen.

Ruth Hovsepian (25:58.534)
Yes? Yeah, even their questions, you know, if they, I love it when they question the word of God. Yeah, but the Bible is contradicting. Okay, let's look at it. Why? That means that they're actually thinking about what the Bible says. They can see things. So for me, that is wonderful. Actually contradict me or, you know, question me because that means that you're, they're actually looking, it's the ones that are like, yeah, that's great.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (26:08.433)
Mmm, yeah!

Mm -hmm.

Ruth Hovsepian (26:27.59)
didn't walk away. And I know, okay, Lord, just I've planted the seed. Whoever comes next, let them continue on that. It's the ones that argue with me are the ones that are battling something, right? They have something in them. Why? Because otherwise, why would they be rattled when you tell them the great? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. It's unbelievable.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (26:28.593)
Mm -hmm.


Elizabeth Rodriguez (26:42.929)
Yeah, yeah.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (26:50.865)
Mm -hmm. They're wrestling with something. Yeah. Yeah.

Ruth Hovsepian (26:57.382)
But I think that at the end of the day, we set aside time for workouts. We set aside time for our children to have activities. And I would be remiss in not saying this, and I believe you would agree with me. Do this with your children as well.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (27:20.625)
absolutely. Actually, the class that I'm teaching, the purpose that we made the change, there were multiple reasons, but one of the reasons is that this method is transferable. Like, you could teach anyone to read the Bible repeatedly, look at it in a different translation, ask, you know, who wrote the book? You can tell them, read the introduction so that you know the historical background information, look for repeated words. What does it tell me about God? Like,

That is transferable. If you just are filling out a study guide and answering questions, you can never transfer that. So all those little tools, you just have no idea what God will do with that.

Ruth Hovsepian (27:49.67)

Ruth Hovsepian (27:55.046)
Yeah. Yeah.

Ruth Hovsepian (28:02.662)
It's huge. It's huge. And as parents, we are responsible for teaching our children how to move forward in their lives. It's a very small window that we have. A certain age comes and you can't do anything right. And if you have not planted these seeds and if you have not shown your children through example and listen, I...

I raised my children when I was not in the word of God. I was in a very secular place in my life. I'm honest, I'm transparent about this. I see the results of that. And as a mom's heart, my heart is crying over it. But I also know how wonderfully

Elizabeth Rodriguez (28:36.465)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (28:53.937)

Ruth Hovsepian (29:02.662)
Christ's love is and how powerful it is and the seeds are planted my children know the difference They need to make their own decisions at this point and it's it's very hard to say this right and and I I speak to moms I you know all the time about this You cannot after a certain age be responsible for their salvation. I Now need to set an example

Elizabeth Rodriguez (29:06.097)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (29:14.161)
That's right.


Elizabeth Rodriguez (29:28.177)
Mm -hmm, absolutely.

Ruth Hovsepian (29:31.654)
through my actions, my behavior, my speech, how I live my life. And it has to be done very authentically in that way. Otherwise...

Elizabeth Rodriguez (29:38.065)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (29:44.849)
Absolutely, and guess what? God knew. Like none of that was a surprise to the Lord. He knew that this was going to happen and he can redeem anyone from anywhere. I mean, well, I just think about, I was recently writing something for my church on the Apostle Paul. It was from Acts 9, the story of his conversion and just the fact that no one is too far gone for the Lord to help them. So.

Ruth Hovsepian (29:50.566)

Ruth Hovsepian (30:05.382)

Elizabeth Rodriguez (30:11.569)
He knows that we're imperfect, but he is perfect. And he has done exactly so. He knows what it will take to bring them to the Lord or to help them grow. And so I'm glad there is such a thing as redemption.

Ruth Hovsepian (30:11.91)

Ruth Hovsepian (30:17.126)
Yep, he's waiting. He's waiting for us, yep.

Ruth Hovsepian (30:25.382)

Ruth Hovsepian (30:34.198)
It's just, it is so encouraging, so hopeful. And for those who are watching and listening, there is hope for all of us, all of us. And just look at the evidence around us. Elizabeth, I've loved this time with you. It has flown by. I...

Elizabeth Rodriguez (30:45.777)
Absolutely. Mm -hmm. Praise God.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (30:55.953)
Thank you. It did!

Ruth Hovsepian (30:59.558)
I want to thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and experiences with us today. It's been a great conversation. Your insights on Bible study are truly invaluable. And I know that our listeners and those watching will benefit greatly from what you've shared. And to our listeners, thank you for joining us on this journey. If you enjoyed today's episode and found it helpful, well, go ahead and share it and consider subscribing to Out of the Darkness on your favorite podcast.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (31:05.489)
It was my pleasure.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (31:24.881)

Ruth Hovsepian (31:29.19)
and go and listen to Elizabeth's podcast and subscribe to hers. Don't forget to leave us a rating and review and share this episode with friends and family who might benefit from it. And I say, stay tuned for more episodes. And as always remember that no matter how dark it seems, there's always light to be found until next time. I'm Ruth Hovsepian God bless.

Elizabeth Rodriguez (31:52.529)